Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Never mind that last post.

Rough ideas I need to consider:

-verbal synaesthesia; user polling to get an average of what colors people associate with certain words
(I may either write an applet to gather data from users over the internet about this or manually poll--for the sake of prototyping I may go for the former simply to get a large-ish number of voters)

-color associations averaged, converted into RGB values and then into musical values

-grammar treated visually; Rhythm, repetition, variation; colors of words compared to the colors of their synonyms and antonyms; how will that corellate to timbre, pitch, etc.?

-observation of patterns of speech and conversational rhythm

-timbre; waveforms possibly generated from words(RGB values --->ADC values)?

-construction of grammar; linguistics research and analysis through programming(I have been working on a lyrics generator in my spare time, but haven't worked on it in a few weeks; I plan on continuing work right now in the hopes that the principles I accumulate from randomly generating grammatically-correct sentences will help in their analysis as well)

-for now, my choice of content will go out the window; I am focusing entirely upon language conversion into sound

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