Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Focusing my idea.

After continuing to play around with the idea of Switched-on Everything, I've found that the two aspects of the project that I continue to return to are the Switching-on of Concepts and interviews. I find the idea of making an analogue synthesizer "reinterpretation" of scientific and philosophical concepts fascinating in a slightly absurd sort of way. So, in keeping with the idea of "Switched-on Everything", I would like to focus my efforts towards switching-on String Theory.

In the vein of Wendy Carlos' album, I wouldn't want to make a subjective reinterpretation so much as an objective transposition of the concepts into synthesizer sounds of subjectively-generated timbre. As such, I would like to explore possibly developing a morse-code-like language out of synthesizer noises and using a computer program to transpose a written thesis on String theory into either MIDI or CV(Control Voltage, an old method of transmitting note data to analog devices) to send to an analog synthesizer. Additionally, I would like to do something similar to spoken interviews on the subject through possibly processing the voices through a vocoder or replacing their voices with synthesized speech(the latter of which sounds kinda fun).

Interestingly enough, this project has become much more of an evolution of my MIDI surveillance project than I originally expected--a more conceptually-cohesive evolution that, while still somewhat situated in the realm of information mapping, I feel like I can manage and stay interested in for a long period of time.

The gallery presentation will be very similar to that of the sketch in the previous entry with the addition of an analogue synthesizer and the exception of two television monitors.

In terms of my audience, I plan to attract people with a similar attraction towards 70s kitsch, theoretical physics and analog sounds. I shall post a more detailed user profile later in the week.

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